We’ve analyzed the House version of KOSA, and unsurprisingly, it is just as dangerous as the Senate version. It’s crucial everyone who cares about digital rights continue to oppose it. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/05/us-version-kosa-still-censorship-bill
Do not think your data is completely safe from Microsoft Recall because you use Linux or macOS.
If you communicate with any person or organization that uses Windows, your data is not safe from this. Recall gathers data both ways.
Demand Recall get recalled.
“A massive exodus of competence.”
I worry that far too many people are tuned out and unaware of the fascist train speeding towards us.
Must Watch: John Oliver on the Horror of “Trump’s Second Term”
Sources: Musk and Trump talk many times/month, on topics like a role in a Trump admin, action on "voter fraud", and X; Musk is organizing friends against Biden (Wall Street Journal)
"Think for a moment about the fact that the USG is -at this very moment -trying to break up Google -largest #tech co in the history of the world, & there's been virtually no press about it. This is a gigantic story -literally the biggest bus story ever. It's practically a secret.
Why doesn't the Biden admin want to talk about this very small number of very good things it's doing? Hollowness of "centrist" pol as practiced in the Dem Party." @pluralistic #Antitrust https://pluralistic.net/2024/05/29/sub-bushel-comms-strategy/#nothing-would-fundamentally-change
What I love about being Gen X is we get a great balance of microplastics and lead.
Edit: well that was mad, I’ve never gone viral here in 5 years!
Seeing as loads of people I don’t know are seeing this, I make dark, brooding Trip Hop under the name INPC.
My Bandcamp is inpc.Bandcamp.com
Cheeky I know but I gotta eat some how!
I’ve been in this business, writing software professionally, since I started my first software business at 16 in high school on an Apple ][. That’s 45 fucking years. It would never occur to me to steal other people’s code, let alone their likenesses, voices, or art.
Just eject these thieving “AI” companies into the sun. These people, and the VCs that fund them, are a cancer on the software industry.
I worked for the burningman project as Department of Public Works for 16 or so years. I have been programming since I was 12 and this is my 1st forray into social media. Here's hoping federation lives up to its promises!