Pinned post

Well CPU usage just spiked to 90% after approving 4 people today, but I also added a fairly busy relay... the site seems to be working just fine. Feel free to extend invites via other social media for Burninman ex/current/future workers. I'm being very permissive with account approvals until I start seeing sketchy things/people.

Everyone needs to know there's a Fediverse -- much like they need to know there's an Internet.

Referring to @pixelfed as a Mastodon app, for example, is kind of like referring to Wikipedia as a Facebook app. Yes, @pixelfed with Mastodon, but it's not a Mastodon apps. Yes, Wikipedia connects to Facebook via hyperlinking and previewing, but it's not a Facebook app.

You wouldn't refer to Facebook as the Internet. This is why you shouldn't refer to Mastodon as the Fediverse.

Shower thought:

So chickens are basically feathered dinosaurs, right?

So what if the real reason dinosaurs went extinct was from looking up at the sky when it started raining?

To help make connections: name 5-7 (-20) things that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same.

“What am I…chopped liver?”

- chopped liver becoming self-aware

For the new people signing up: This account is my admin account, I usually don't post or use it except to test the site and post server information. @XenoDangerEvil is my more social account. In order for mastodon to be interesting, you have to find people to follow. Try going through the friend list of @XenoDangerEvil & @larry to find some other DPW people. After that, you can check out the Federated and see if some other people catch your eye. Federated will show users on other servers.

Fixed (hopefully) my crontab, was cd-ing into the wrong directory. Plan is to remove 2 day old cached items. Even removing the whole cache didn't lead to a noticeable slowdown loading my feed.

Server went down again. I assume due to disk space getting used up and I had to restore from a backup. I wonder how hard it would be for mastodon to do a basic df command or somesuch and, I don't know, NOT cache stuff that it can't cache.

Server ran out of disk space caching media, so I restarted and tried putting a regular purge of media over 2 days old. I'm not sure if this will make it so you CAN'T see older things, or if it just tries to get the media from the original server (which is fine... and kind of preferable).

I removed all of the relays and CPU usage went back down to ~8%. I put the relays back up and now the server is a manageable ~20%. Not sure why it spiked. Something to do with sidekiq database refreshes.

Well CPU usage just spiked to 90% after approving 4 people today, but I also added a fairly busy relay... the site seems to be working just fine. Feel free to extend invites via other social media for Burninman ex/current/future workers. I'm being very permissive with account approvals until I start seeing sketchy things/people.

I'm slowly adding more relays and follows on other instances of mastodon. As people on here do the same, the "Federated" link to the right will become more populated. Check out: to see if there's any topic you'd like to explore

I'm Xeno, I've worked for for about 16 years. But I quit in 2017. I've been since I was 12, was a huge influence on me and I hate fascists. I feel like there aren't enough hash tags in this or whatever. I set up this server January 2023 and use @larry as the admin account for it.

I'm not actually Larry Harvey (RIP), he's the founder of an LLC that ran for a while, and this is the admin account for the server, so this is the account that approves and other people who worked for burningman in the past, present and future.

Welcome to DPW.Social! After just joining mastodon myself, I find it's a bit of a barrier to find other people to follow.... try going to other servers, like, and view their public or federated timelines. Also try looking at some friends' followed people. You have to copy and paste some accounts to build a good follow list. This format rewards self motivated users. Ask me any questions you may have

DPW (and friends) Mastodon Server

This is a server intended for use by people who have worked for the burningman project at large. Please be prepared to prove that this applies to you.