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Cashier: Welcome to Wendy’s. To celebrate our new surge pricing system, we have added a new menu item. It's called the Cryptoburger. Would you like to order one?

Me: Is that made with blockchain?

Cashier: No, it's made out of sasquatch and chupacabras. Never frozen.

We're not, I know, living on a timeline where science actually matters, but I gotta say this anyway.

*Every* serious study of the economic impact of immigration has the same conclusion: "immigration has a net-positive effect on the economy". Most of them go further than that, citing non-economic positive effects.

Leaving one's homeland is just not a thing stupid, lazy, cowardly, or ignorant people do.

The "border crisis" has a shorter name. That name is "racism".

If you're transferring your account to another server, before you actually do the transfer it's a good idea to rename your old account something like "(YOUR ACCOUNT) has moved" and put a link to your new account in the profile text.

Most Mastodon apps show links to new accounts automatically, but some don't. Renaming and including the link in the profile means everyone will see the redirect and new account, no matter what app they use.

For an example see here:


Round 2!

Best movie mash-up

if you remember using a cracked copy of nero to burn other cracked software onto cd, remember to do your gentle back stretches today

You don't have to be a "nerd" to buy your own Home Computer. Capabilities range from organizing recipes to playing Sports Games. With a compatible Sound Card, your Home Computer can even "whistle" a tune! One thing it definitely will not do, however, is give you a blow job

Sometimes I see a spider up high on a wall in the house, and I'm like "hey bud, are you lost? is there food up there? whatcha up to?"

It's funny how Christians think Darwin is the equivalent of Jesus/Bible to Atheists. Okay, I don't care what Darwin said on his deathbed because he did not influence my morality system, and I don't worship him. That's not a gotcha.

If you've been watching my videos for a while, you may have noticed this Silvertone radio in the set. It's an AM/FM set from 1952.

I restored it when I was in high school (I think) by replacing its capacitors but never got into the habit of using it since its FM reception was a bit spotty.

Well I finally hooked up a decent antenna to it and while it's still not able to tune in perfectly well, it's been a pleasure to use this again!

Elon freaking Musk not being able to set up his own PC and whining for IT help on Twitter is the most grandpa shit I’ve ever seen in public.

Got too many toolbars and animated icon sets too, PawPaw? Virus = very yes?

So glad we’ve turned over all our lives to these people.

People who claim private companies are more efficient than the government have never tried to talk to their insurance company

@Soxxxe He mostly uses Apple products and has mentioned Linux a few times, but he may needs to use some accounting or some crap software that only runs on Windows. So, he bought a Dell or something from Amazon laptop section, hoping for a quick setup. He wants to keep his data private on that laptop, but Microsoft has other ideas, including AI that is forced on everyone. So now he set Microsoft on fire. Just too funny

A friend of mine got published! She wrote the cephalopod section and I'm really happy for her. Her relationship with words astounds me and never ceases to impress!

Warren Buffett's son Howard has given $500M to Ukraine — he warns the US is making a historic mistake by pulling its support

If gaming has taught me anything then there's something behind this wall

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Xeno Danger Evil's choices:

DPW (and friends) Mastodon Server

This is a server intended for use by people who have worked for the burningman project at large. Please be prepared to prove that this applies to you.