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Some people say I'm scared of my own shadow. No, I am not. My shadow is on my side. It takes good care of me, and it will protect me from danger. Just as long as I do exactly what it says.

I hope this email does not find you or anyone. Let this email wander free


> Every version of the PuTTY tools from 0.68 to 0.80 inclusive has a critical vulnerability in the code that generates signatures from ECDSA private keys which use the NIST P521 curve. (PuTTY, or Pageant, generates a signature from a key when using it to authenticate you to an SSH server.)

These direct solicitations to T-Mobile employees to participate in SIM-swaps are definitely not just limited to T-Mobile's employees. But T-Mob is probably the easiest still.

Hi Fediverse, #introduction
Currently I'm spending a lot of my time on the computer researching into #music #corpora in order to finish my #phd @ #epfl by the end of 2023. My main subject is #musicTheory and I'm trying to measure stylistic differences between tonal languages of the last four centuries through #statistics on #harmony (#stylometry).
I'm here to connect with people who are interested in #dh #DataScience #machinelearning #opendata #dataset #foss #privacy #musicianship #funk #techno

Economics: "Humans only value things monetarily."
Sociology: "Uh, I don't..."
Economics: "Humans are always rational and value is calculated by complex internal calculus."
Sociology: "Uhhh, Psy, can you help?" Psychology: "That's not how humans..." Economics: "ALSO MY SYSTEM WILL GROW EXPONENTIALLY FOREVER!!"
Physics: *drops teacup*

(Credit: source unknown)

* xz backdoor. Only affects unstable builds *
Old Sys Admins: This is why unstable builds exist. To catch these things. This is the system in place doing its fucking job :)

You can lead a horse to water. You can leave your horse behind. Cause your horse don’t dance and if he don’t dance, then they’re no horse of mine!

"Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you." ~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg

@randomgeek stumbleupon was a great tool. I'm not sure how modern grieves or tech bros would ruin it. But im sure they would. I'm all for web rings and indie websites again!

The eldest among us remember the First Web, before search engines were Good Actually. They used secret magics to make sense of the chaos that was the First Web.

Site directories.

Web rings.

Home pages linking to trusted sites.

Homework and jello shooter recipes study notes.

Now that the Search Engines have fallen it is time to bring those ancient tools back, for ourselves and the youngest among us who never knew the First Web.

@falcennial i believe is fairly good about respecting rights and I haven't heard of them using AI.

I'm an artist and animator and I've lost way too much work to AI. The only thing I can rely on is the Furries. They shun and excommunicate anyone using it. Those lovely loyal little perverts are keeping a roof over my head.

"Cryptocurrencies are everything people don’t know about computers combined with everything they don’t understand about money."

I wonder if anyone's gotten a Z80 emulator running CP/M in a browser?

(thoughts like these are how I know it's time to go to bed)

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Xeno Danger Evil's choices:

DPW (and friends) Mastodon Server

This is a server intended for use by people who have worked for the burningman project at large. Please be prepared to prove that this applies to you.